the steelhammer group
the steelhammer group
eCommerce, digital marketing, social media, eSupport
❖its’s not a new way of business, it’s a new way of thinking, using a new set of tools, a new approach
❖putting customers in the driver’s seat - with more information, more choices
❖making it “insanely” simple for your customers
❖approaching business problems from your customers perspective
it can change your business for good!
the steelhammer group is a management consulting firm that helps CXO’s realize a full return on their digital and eCommerce investments
it’s no longer just about awareness or conversion, it is all about customer-creation, retention and customer long term value
our approach is based upon the premise that customers and potential customers come to your site and do one of four things; learn, buy, self-serve or leave
we recognize that customers experience your brand in many ways - in person - offline - online - social
2012 the steelhammer group
who we are
our approach
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